Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ok, On to July 2010

Our biggest events for July happened at the beginning and end of the month. Over the July 4th weekend, we traveled back east for a wedding of friends, and also squished in time to visit with some family. I had never traveled to Maryland or Connecticut, so this was a first for me. Even had the chance to stay on Cape Cod for about three days, enjoyed shopping, sight seeing and whale watching. Beautiful wedding, special time with family, and a nice vacation break (traveling back home wasn't pleasant, but we did make it home eventually) was thoroughly enjoyed over the July 4th weekend/week!
Toward the end of the month, we celebrated my sweet husband's birthday with a steamers and cook-out bash at the house, inviting the church per request of sweet husband. Yes, we have a smaller church, a little over 100 actively attend, and we had about 60ish folks to show I say a good turn out in a sign of support and friendship for sweet husband :)
And finally, we capped off the month by starting our last and final infertility treatment which included a surgery for me (won't go into details here :) ) was a tough decision, but we decided that regardless of how this last (3rd) IVF took place...WE WERE DONE!...6ish years of infertility treatment was enough for both of us. And we had finished up our Community Adoption/ Foster class requirements, so it was sit and wait time again.

I forgot that there was also a surprise 'friend party' for two ladies in our church, and a women's retreat sponsored by our church at Tubac Golf Resort that I attended...great time was treasured with these ladies!

Oh, and before the last treatment, my mom flew in to help us out during this treatment, and because I wasn't sure how the treatment would go or if an adoption case would pop up soon, I wanted to hurry up and clean up the middle bedroom...which was being used as a storage room, and turn it into a kids' room, making it conducive for any age or gender of child or children we could be blessed with in coming weeks or months. So, mom, myself, and a friend from church, cranked out the creativity and painted and decorated a room over a weekend before I physically couldn't paint or do physically labor around the house due to the treatment....phew, it was work but resulted in a really fun room!!

With some of the gals at our church's Women's Retreat; Jesse and I dancing at the Hale wedding...aww we color coordinate, and totally didn't even try!

I painted two scenes from the curtain pattern on the walls
Stripes on walls were originally going to go around at least one more wall, but after taking about 12 hours to do this one wall, I decided, 'nope, that's all she wrote!"

Happy Birthday!!! Corn Cob cupcakes :)

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