Wednesday, February 23, 2011


At the end of June, we took a small group of young adults from our church in Tucson to the 'Resovled 2010' conference in Palm Springs, CA. Sponsored by Dr. John MacArthur's (preacher, teacher, theologian, & president of 'The Master's Seminary) ministry, 'Grace To You' and featured about 5 guest speakers, including Al Mohler, CJ Mahaney, Rick Holland, Steve Lawson. A link to this year's conference, which we won't be able to make, is included.

2011 Conference:,
2010 Conference (includes awesome podcasts and videos of their sermons):!!!

Hotel Jahn

In June 2010, Matt & Mandy and crew (including Daisy the Dog) made the transition from Active Duty to FL National Guard. So, with the help of Dad & Mom, they tackled the move and headed to Florida with a weekend stop-over at our house in Tucson. It was great to have family visit and we spent the weekend swimming in our pool, going to the Tucson Children's Museum, and hanging around the house playing and resting for the next leg of their journey. A last photo at their former home, photos of the construction of the by-pass bridge over/behind Hoover Dam, Matthew's fini flight in the AD F-15/Weapon's School Squadron at Nellis AFB, and giggles in Tucson.

Back to May 2010....Memorial Day Weekend in San Diego & on to Los Angeles

We met up with Matt and Mandy and kiddos, along with mom/Mimi, for a mini-vacation to San Diego over Memorial Day Weekend. They were still stationed at Nellis AFB, Las Vegas and we were in Tucson, so it was a short and reasonable drive for all of us. Then, they went on home and Jesse and I traveled on up the coast of California to stay in Los Angeles for a few more days. While in San Diego we toured the SD Zoo, Balboa Park, Cornado Beach, and Sea World. Then in Los Angeles we went to Six Flags, Dodgers game (vs. Arizona), and The Master's Seminary, which is where Jesse would like to attend some day. Beautiful and perfect weather and much fun was logged into this trip!

Further Back in Time...Birthday Time in Vegas, Feb 2010

Matthew & Levi share a birthday, 22 Feb, and we convened on them in Vegas to help celebrate the birthday. Micah's enjoying big brother's birthday cupcakes. And the stair photo series is a favorite series of the older three, Levi, Micah and Elise. Priceless looks and faces!